ROMANCE. and it's all written.
Hey!you are at Maria Liyana's LIT blog.Sec 2 student from the Respectos.Reg No. 10.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves-William Shakespeare.

Family.cats and chocolates

Selfish people.
Other bad stuffs.
TONS of homeworks!

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January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MCYS Funeral video

1.Why mixed race couple?
I would say Singapore would want different race to mix around and not let racism exist within us.Love can happen to anyone of any race too.Hence that doesn't mean we can't be in love with people of other races.Being a mixed race couple is actually kind of cool and unique as we learn more about each other's culture and thus getting more general knowledge too.
2.Why she concentrate on the bad traits?
She concentrated on it as these bad traits are the ones that she would remember most for this bad traits makes her husband special in his own way.Like what she had said, "beautiful imperfection".The fact that he was not perfect was actually somewhat unique as not everyone is like him.Thus she concentrated on it as even though it might have seemed like a small,normal and bad stuff to us and surely we wouldn't bother to care much about it,it was actually something she remembered most for it happens every night and this actually tells her too that he's still there with her,right next to her.

3.Do you think it is effective to promote family value?
Yes it is.It shows the love of a wife to her husband and childrens and it also shows how loving a mother is to her family members.Therefore this video would surely have an impact on those who watched it as they watch and hear a mother express her love towards her late husband and children.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My favourite Character in a movie,song etc.

My favourite character in a movie happens to be Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean.What i like about him is that he has a certain trademark ,an originality of his own that he has and apply.Jack,like any other pirate,talks with a pirate accent but the way he say out his words differentiate him from the others.He uses a variety of tones when he talk and his gestures fits nicely with his scene and lines.It is cute when Jack runs as his arm swing and he runs like a small kid who just stole a cookie from his neighbour.Thus the way he runs when he tries to escape often made me feel jumpy and excited instead of the normal suspence i get.Hence the way Jack Sparrow acts as a pirate interest me thus he happens to be my favourite character from Pirates of the Carribean for his 'trademarks' which includes his way of talking,running and also gestures.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

repost;the unseen

For the unseen topic,i find it something interesting and not really new as i remember learning the Literary Devices fo Literature Last year.But surely my understanding on the unseen is better than last year thanks to the Unseen Resource Book that is given to up this semester.It surely did help,with the examples given and the blank spaces for our own examples.We might be going slower than last year as we learn the literary device page by page but it surely did help me to digest most of the things inside my head.So now we have moved on from the page of unseen poetry to reading and analyzing unseen paragraphs.Overall i find the unseen to be something that requires a lot of thinking as the words and phrases used by a particular author are something that is 'deep' and full of meanings.Hence i realised that to make things easier for me,i have to have a wide knowledge of words so it can help me when the question ask me to elaborate.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

R&J performance

the performance..

For my group we were actually done with the props but sadly,after we watched the video of the setting that we're going to be in,we actually decided to redo our backdrop.We started with meeting up each other at Republic Polytechnic last saturday to discuss about the backdrop.We have now decided to collect a whole lot of cardboards for the backdrop which actually help us save money for we still need to buy the paint for the backdrop.

Whereas for the acting,we have met up with each other to practice our lines.Even if some of us couldn't make it,we use the time to test the main roles' lines first and then discuss more about the hand gestures all.

Also,we have since discuss the dance,music and some of the movements in and out of the stage.However,there is still a lot of things for us to brush up on and i would use all the time we have to think of better ideas and also dates whereby all of us can meet.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Macbeth?What about Macbeth???

In the first part of Macbeth,it was about a great general, Macbeth.There were three witches who were planning to meet up with Macbeth after one side had won the war and another had lost.It was slowly countinued with the King of Scotland,King Duncan meeting up with a bleeding captain to question him about the state of the war when he left it.It was told by the Captain that Macbeth was a good and hardy soldier for he faced two wars,one after another and was actually getting stronger during the second war.Macbeth is simply a great work of Literature for it displays a deep and meaningful use of words which plays a big impact on the story.

In Macbeth,i favour the Captain most as eventhough Macbeth fought better than him during the war,he have not even a slightest feeling of jealousy towards Macbeth.He even told King Duncan the whole story and even described Macbeth of great things for example "Like a valor's minion carved out his passage" and "as canon overcharged with double cracks".This shows how honest the Captain is and i like people of good character traits like the Captain.

From the story of Macbeth,i've learnt that if you are loyal to someone,it would result to good things like people would trust you but if it is otherwise,you would end up being betrayed by your own man or friend or it would result in suffering. That is caused by the people's hatred in you for what u did.In a nutshell,Macbeth is a story with beautiful phrases with a deep meaning and advice behind it.(:


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Macbeth and so on^^

Last week's lesson of literature,we went through Macbeth Act 1 Scene 2 together.King Duncan met up with the Captain from the war with Macdonwald to tell him what happened to the battle when the Captain left it.Brave Macbeth fought hard and won the battle against Macdonwald.One enemy down and then came a new one.A another battle,but this one against the Norwegian King.Once again Macbeth won but they signed a $10 000 treaty with the Norwegians so they could be allowed to bury their man.

After the lesson,i've learnt that in wars,it's disrespectful to not let the losing side bury their own men.Even if they are our enemies,out of respect,we should at least let them bury their men.Not letting them bury their men is something dishonor as it is a form of respect.

I would like to learn other things related to Macbeth like are there stories that are similar to Macbeth but is in different languages and part of the story is different?Or are there legendary stories that have characters like Macbeth?

Till the next post,


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,
i was wondering,what if one day someone told me that something improbable would happen and it did?Would the fact that the event was 'predicted' cause me to behave differently?Thus,making the event more likely to occur?Or did the event simply occur without any assistance?Honestly,i say i don't know but what if some day, a lady came up to me,read my hand and say that the person i am going to meet is going to be the love of my life or my soulmate?I would obviously be shocked and say that i don't believe in such predictions or superstitions.However,i might be trying to find out more about the guy that im going to meet up with and in the process if finding out,i would obviously tend to be closer with him and as we are getting closer,we would understand each other more and soon we might just as well fall in love with each other.Who knows maybe not long after that we would be getting married and promise to be faithful to each other till death tear us apart.Well that's what i think could happen to me if i was told of the 'predicted' event.I guess our curiosity,behavior and reaction after the 'prediction' clearly plays a huge part.Well that's all i can say.Good night!
Yours Truly,
Maria (:
ps:sorry for the late entry :/
